About Mr. Mahavir Jain
B.Tech (Electronics) (IIT-Bombay, 1976) M.Tech (EDT, lnteg-Optics) (IIT-Bombay, 1978) WIFE'S NAME: Manju M. Jain
CHILDREN: Romit - B.Sc (St. Xavier's College, Mumbai); M.Sc (Mumbai University) Akshay - B.Com (Podar College, Mumbai) JOB EXPERIENCES Research Engineer Bush India Ltd., Bombay (June-July, 1976) RESEARCH EXPERIENCES Project Associate, Dept of EE, IIT-Bombay DAE-BRNS Project (1976-78) Project Associate, Dept of EE, IIT-Bombay DOE-EC Project (1981-84) Managing Director, Jain Lasertech Pvt. Ltd. Managing Partner, Jainsons Engg. & Elect. Corpn. Manufacturing and marketing of products for Science and Industry .. Lasers, Optics, Fibre- Optics, Electro-optics and Electronics 'Fabrication & Characterization of Integrated Optical Waveguides'project sponsored by Depart- ment of Atomic Energy (BRNS), Govt. of India, at Dept of EE, IIT-Bombay 'Fabrication & Characterization of Optical Fibers' project sponsored by Electronics Comrnission, Govt. of India, at Dept of EE. IIT-Bombay (IIT-Bombay effected technology transfer of the above project to industry during 1994-95) PARTICIPATION IN ORGANIZATION ACTIVITIES 1) Chairman., Program.. Committee (1977-78) IEEE Student B.Tech Dept of EE, IIT-Bombay 2) Member, Executive Committee (1977-78) Elect. Engg. Students Assoc., IIT-Bombay 3) Joint Secretary (1977-78) Photography Club, Hostel 3, IIT-Bombay 4) Joint Secretary (1977-78) Library, Hostel 3, IIT-Bombay 5) Member, Organdng Committee, Seminar on "Recent-Developments in Application of Thyristors" jointly organized by IEEE Bombay Section and IEEE Student Branch, IIT-Bombay, 1977. 6) Organizer, Mood Indigo-1978 (All Cultural Program), In-charge: Essay Competition, IIT Bombay India. 7) Member-Participant, IEEE Vincent Sendix Award, Group Project-1978 on'Relating Certain Mental Abilities to the Electrical Activities in the Human Brain' 8) Member, Executive Committee (1991-94) Genesis Industry Owners Welfare Association, Palghar. 9) Joint Secretary, Executive Committee (1994-97) Genesis Industry Owners Welfare Association, Palghar. 10) Secretary, Executive Committee (1997-till date) Genesis Industry Owners Welfare Association, Palghar. 11) Founder-Convenor, Mumbai Chapter, IIT-Bombay Alumni Association (1996-1999) . 12) Member, National Executive Committee, Indian Physics Association (1997-1999). 13) Member, National Executive Committee, Indian Laser Association (1997-till date). 14) Member, Programme Committee, Seminar on "20th Century Physics and Emerging Trends for the next Millennium" organized by IPA, 1999. 15) Member, Governing Council, Instrument Society of India (2000-till date). 16) Founder-Convenor, Jainology Alumni Association, Mumbai University (1998). PRIZES, AWARDS AND CITATIONS 1) 2nd Best Essay, Sulekha All-India Gandhi Centenary Essay Competition, Sulekha Works, Calcutta, 1969. 2) Best Essay, Essay Competition, Lions Club of East Bombay, 1969. 3) Crossword Puzzle Prize (All correct entries) Bombay T.V., June 1977. 4) Special Prize and Medal, Inter-Collegiate Mock Interview Competition, Yuvak Biradari, Bombay, Nov. 1977. 5) Runners-up Prize of US$500, IEEE Vincent Sendix Award, World Contest Group Project U.S.A,, Feb. 1978. 6) For "Organization and active Participation in Professional Activities", EESA, Dept of Elect. Engg., IIT-Bornbay, April 1978. 7) 3rd Best paper in IEEE Region 10 Student Symposium, REC-Warangal, 1981-82. 8) Selected and Cited in Marquis'Who's Who in the World', 10th Edition (1991), USA. 9) Cited as'Resource Person', UGC Workshop on Experimental Physics, Mangalore University, Feb. 21-24, 1994. 10) 'Mother India lnt'l Award', lnt'l Business Council, New Delhi (2000).EDITORSHIP AND AUTHORSHIPS 1) Editor EESA Annual Bulletin 1976-77, IIT-Bombay. 2) 'Integrated Optics and Optical Communication' Article in EESA Annual Bulletin 1976-77 . 3) 'Fiber-opties and its Technological Applications' submitted and published by IEEE Region 10 Student Symposium, pp. 14-15, Sep. 1983 . 4) 'Join IEEE Now', Article in EESA Annual Bulletin, 1976-77 . 5) "Harnessing Technology' Article in EESA News Bulletin, I st. issue 1977-78 and also in ORBIT, Hostel 3 Magazine, March 1978. 6) 'If Gandhiji was alive today' Essay submitted for Sulekha All-India Essay Competition, 1969. 7) 'Gandhiji and Society' Essay submitted for Lions Club of East Bombay Competition, 1969. PROFESSIONAL: SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS 1) IEEE USA (since 1976). 2) Optical Society of America (since 1978). 3) Optical Society of India (since 1983). 4) Instrument Society of India (since 1985). 5) Indian Physics Association (since 1987). 6) Indian Assoc. of Phy Teachers (since 1988). 7) Indian Laser Association (since 1 991). 8) Bombay Association for Science Education (since 1991). 9) IIT-Bombay Alumni Association (since 1993). 10) Indian Association of Laser Surgery and Medicine (since 1995). 11) Jainology Alumni Association, Mumbai University (since 1998). MISCELLANEOUS Study Courses in Amateur Radio (1976), Amateur Photography (1977), French Language (1978), Russian Language (1984), Jainology (1998) Swimming, Tennis, Bicycling, Rifle-Shooting, Rock-Climbing, Trekking Pastime: Music, Reading Int'l Travel. Countries: Holland, Switzerland, U.S.A., Belgium, Germany, France, U.K., Malaysia Research Labs : Univ. of Southampton, U.K.; Philips, Eindhoven, Holland (both for Fibre-Optics) lnt'l industrial Exhibits/Conferences : CLEO (1985,1987,1988,1989,1992), LASER (1989), Hanover (1983), OPTCON (1990), etc. Presenting Lecture-cum-Demonstration talks in schools and colleges on 'Lasers and Fibre-Optics' (Popularisation of Science), 'Humanity and Religion' (Popularisation of Spiritualism)